Automated cloud security and recommendations for DevOps | OpsYogi
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Stop problems before they start

Cloud Alerts and Best Practice

  • Stop waste

  • Get recommendations

  • Be alerted

  • Detect change

  • Find security holes

  • Best practice advice

  • Help from experts

  • Integrate with the tools you love

We understand the frustration of being paged for preventable problems

OpsYogi was created by engineers who have experienced sub par cloud implementations over and over again, the same mistakes made in the cloud at different organizations. 

Even great engineers make mistakes

Configuration in the cloud can be complicated. Even when developers get it working, mistakes can be made. Perhaps it's weakened security through open ports or an instance on a public network. Maybe your systems are mis-provisioned, or are not making use of reserved instances. Even the best engineers can't optimize your setup for all best practices.


Worry less that the right thing is being done and be part of the solution by taking detailed OpsYogi recommendations and sending them directly to your developers using OpsYogi integrations with JIRA, Slack, SMS, and email.

Setup is easy and automated 

Bring high quality recommendations, alerts, and patterns to your team by adding your cloud accounts to OpsYogi. With 1 click we create a cloud formation stack that creates a minimum footprint, least permission role utilizing role delegation. You'll be up and running within 5 minutes and begin seeing recommendations, account changes, manual change reports, your latest account news feed, changes in account spend, as well as your top errors within minutes.

What is OpsYogi

Security and Best Practices

Hundreds of checks

It only takes one security hole to invite disaster. OpsYogi looks for lapses in security and lets you know right away. 

In addition to scanning for security, we also scan for best practices. For example is your team auto scaling groups comprised of EC2 instances in different availability zones? Do your ECS task definitions contain memory or cpu limits? Perhaps you're missing health checks? Has your team customized RDS maintenance windows to correspond to your business needs? 

Your organization's AWS account will be more secure and your developers will follow better practices after you introduce them to OpsYogi

Integrated Communication

Tools you love

OpsYogi slips right into your engineers workflow. When a recommendation comes up you can either have the recommendation automatically create a Slack message or Jira ticket.


We get you started with a template with step by step instructions.


Pattern Suggestions

Better patterns lead to better results

Developers both experienced and inexperienced in the cloud often cut corners or do not fully or appropriately utilize the cloud. 

For example are you hosting a website directly from S3? That's fine, but you can get better performance and a higher degree of control by fronting your website with CloudFront. It might just be cheaper too.

Perhaps your dev team has created SQS queues, but have neglected to setup a dead letter queue for stuck messages. This mistake is bound to end up as a Priority 1 system killing bug. 

OpsYogi finds the anti patterns in your cloud and alerts you to them. We then show your developers how to do it right.


OpsYogi converts your cloud configuration into terraform and regularly scans cloud configuration to detect changes. Terraform can be downloaded to enable cross cloud infrastructure creation. Changes are reported in the news feed and diffs can be used to determine how your cloud configuration is changing over time. Perhaps that latest outrage is due to a change.


We seek to enhance the level of quality in cloud infrastructure. OpsYogi provides patterns built using cloud best practices that you can deploy directly into your cloud using cloud formation. 

Cost Reduction

We analyze your cloud configuration for waste and provide recommendation for how to use the cloud more efficiently. Recommendations encompass cost saving measures such as reserved instances, but also suggest new patterns, and systems that are over provisioned. 



We don't like confusing or complicated billing any more than you do. Our pricing is honest simple and transparent. 
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Tel: 1 844-471-6694
P.O. BOX 821046
Kenmore, WA 98028-1046


To schedule a product introduction with one of our product consultants, please fill in your contact details

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